國立東華大學 gms.ndhu.edu.tw 使用者其它功能

東華大學 gms.ndhu.edu.tw 信箱:使用者其它功能


1.預約寄信  (已停用)使用說明


(單位電子郵件通訊錄更改,請至 http://announce.ndhu.edu.tw/mail_login.php

4.Google Meet 升級預約、查詢

5.帳號被刪除後開設新帳號、帳號被停用後啟用(Create a new account after the account is deleted, activate after the account is deactivated)

選項 5 說明:

<= 帳號超過容量被停用啟用 =>

啟用後請將帳戶容量降至許可範圍(在學休學 2GB、其它 0.5GB),否則啟用後一個月將刪除帳號
After activation, please reduce the account capacity to the allowable range (2GB for students, 0.5GB for others),
otherwise the account will be deleted one month after activation

<= 帳號被刪除後開設新帳號 =>

如刪除前之abc 在 youtube有訂閱,重建帳號後名稱雖也是 abc,但新abc已無舊abc之訂閱記錄而是一個全新環境
(Opening a new account after the account is deleted can only generate a new account without any data in it, and cannot restore the old data to the new account
Although the names of the new account and the old account are the same as abc@gms.ndhu.edu.tw, for some applications, the abc before deletion and the re-established abc are two different accounts.
If the previous abc has a subscription on youtube, the name is also abc after the account is rebuilt, but the new abc has no subscription record of the old abc but a brand new environment)



電子郵件系統負責人:圖書資訊處 圖資服務組 葉宏達

聯絡電話:(03)8906747  電子郵件位址:honda@gms.ndhu.edu.tw